Welcome to Mt. Vernon Place UMC: a church for all to worship God
Proud to be in Mount Vernon at
10 E. Mt. Vernon Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
Proud to be in Mount Vernon at
10 E. Mt. Vernon Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
Service: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Sundays (use the link to church events below).
You can join our hybrid worship service via Zoom (link below) or in person by entering through our door on Charles St. (10 E. Mount Vernon Place).
Sermon Title: "Least Likely Comrades”
Minister: Angelic Williams
Scripture Reference: Esther 4: 1 - 14
Sermon synopsis:
Have you ever been asked to team with a person or persons to complete a task or project and you just knew you would never be able to work with that person or persons? It just was not going to work. But, since you had no choice, you decided to just dive in and do the best you could in that situation.
This is what happens in Esther’s situation and in another one of my favorite ancestors’ lives, Harriet Tubman. Who would ever think she would trust the same race of people who brutally enslaved her? But she did. She stayed or was hidden in their homes, their barns and on their properties as she traveled to freedom and led many others North to live free and without bondage.
These two women, who were God’s daughters, had to trust God first, then themselves, and finally those who represented their “least likely comrades.” Let us all, men and women, remember Esther and Harriet as we strive to live lives allowing God to take us to unlikely places, to do unlikely tasks with unlikely people. In Exodus, Moses tells the Hebrew people, “Stand still and see the Salvation of God”. Even today our Holy Spirit is telling us to stand still and see. AND BE AMAZED...
Come ready to worship, reflect, and connect with God and one another. We’d love to see you there—whether in person or online!
We’d love for you to join us in person or virtually.
Are you visiting us for the first time? Fill out our connection card so we can connect with you.
Join our weekly services-- Sundays at 9:30 AM. Do so via the Zoom button below marked “Link to All Church Events” or by telephone for audio by calling
Meeting ID: 890 1366 3463
Dial In: (301) 715-8592
One tap mobile
+13017158592,89013663463#,*642215# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Additional links available at our linktree: http://linktr.ee/mvpumc.
Pastor Angelic Williams, while relatively new to pastoral ministry, has been a preacher of the Gospel for about 20 years, serving in various roles.
Her journey of faith began long ago at Eastern United Methodist Church. God has brought about much transformation and growth in her heart, life and ministry.
Our Sermons are uploaded to YouTube each week.
If you want the whole worship experience on your own time from an affirming church, check out our Digital Bulletin.
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10 East Mount Vernon Place, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, United States
Worship Service: Every Sunday from 9:30am to 10:30am. See our Announcements page or our calendar for updates.